All countries nations of world Prime Minister President

All the major countries of the world are their Presidents Prime Minister and currency important information All countries nations of world Prime Minister President

 In English alphabetic series










 Michael D Hinges is re-elected President of Ireland

 Ireland is a country in the continent of Europe

 Michael D Hinges is also a well-known poet

 The capital of Ireland is Dublin

 The currency of Ireland is Euro and

 The language of Ireland is Irish and English.

 Ireland is the second largest Iceland in the world after Great Britain

 Ireland was established under the 1922 Courtyard Irish Treaty and its own constitution was made in 1937.In 1949 it was declared a republic nation.

 Michael D. Hinges has been re-elected to Ireland Ireland is a country of continental Europe

 Michael De Hings is a well-known poet Ireland's capital is Dublin Ireland's currency is euro and Irish language is Irish and English

 Ireland is the second largest island in the world after Great Britain

 Ireland was established in 1922 under the Patriotic Irish Treaty and in 1937 its own constitution was made, in 1949 it was declared a Republic of the Republic.


 Iraq's Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mehndi has resigned from his post.

 Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, President Barham Salih,

 Iraq's Parliament named Majlis Al Nawab Council of representatives

 Iraq currency dinar












 Sri Lanka's capital Jayawardene Puram Kote, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Prime Minister Mahindra Rajapaksa.

 The Parliament of Sri Lanka is named Parliament, Currency Rupee.









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